Helping Patients Who Require Retreatment

When you arrange oral health care for a problem tooth, you can be understandably eager to put trouble behind you. Unfortunately, issues can sometimes reoccur, or they may even persist after your procedure is done. In these situations, it can be necessary to arrange retreatment to ensure that your oral health is properly managed. Our El Paso, TX endodontic treatment office is prepared to help patients in these situations. Retreatment effectively tends to teeth that have already been through care. By carefully evaluating and treating what is wrong, we can make sure trouble is fully dealt with to preserve your oral health.

We Can Help When Problems Occur After Dental Work

When root canal therapy or another treatment is performed, the trouble with your tooth should be permanently addressed. You can be free from any discomfort, and the placement of a restoration can ensure you maintain the ability to naturally bite and chew. Unfortunately, not everyone who undergoes restorative treatment will remain free from trouble. Whether you have problems that persist after an initial procedure or develop new issues, you should know that care from an endodontist can help. Not only can our practice safely access your pulp and investigate what is wrong, we can provide the necessary work during retreatment to ensure that your tooth is in good condition.

Addressing Problems With Your Tooth Through Retreatment

Carefully accessing your tooth’s pulp after your initial procedure will give us the opportunity to evaluate you and determine what is wrong with it. If a new injury or infection has developed, or if an infected area was left behind after your initial procedure, we can perform the necessary work to remove the threat. After this, we can prepare the tooth for the receipt of a permanent restoration from your general dentist.

Other Important Services Provided By Your Endodontist

An endodontic specialist provides several treatment options that can help whenever a tooth is at risk for extraction. We can provide services like root canal therapy and retreatment, and we can also take on more significant issues when oral surgery is required to access a hard to reach space. In addition to providing important support through advanced services, you should know that we rely on advanced imaging technology, including microscopes, to provide proper evaluations for vulnerable teeth.

Talk To Your El Paso, TX Endodontist About Retreatment!

A root canal should completely address the health needs of a vulnerable tooth. Unfortunately, there are times when problems will persist, as well as situations where new problems affect you after your initial care. In either scenario, you can turn to your El Paso, TX endodontist for retreatment. To discuss potential issues with your tooth, call Omni Endodontics today at 915.990.3636!

Dr. Endo

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