Typically, a restorative dental procedure can respond to the threat you face from an injury or cavity without the need for follow-up work. After removing damaged and infected tissues and restoring the tooth with a filling or crown, your general dentist can send you away without any lingering troubles. If your pain or sensitivity issues continue to make you uneasy, or if the tooth starts to hurt again, it can be a sign more work is needed. While retreatment can be performed to address concerns about dental work that did not fully respond to trouble, it can also be needed when a new problem affects a tooth that has gone through care in the past.
By performing retreatment, we can make sure that your oral health needs are fully met. Accessing the pulp and carefully examining it will allow us to determine the source of the problem. Remaining infected tissues or untreated trauma may need to be addressed. After providing the necessary work to put the matter behind you, we can have you return to your general dentist to receive your restoration.
Sometimes, a root canal procedure will not be able to fully restore your oral health because the procedure does not reach an area that requires attention. Fortunately, this does not have to make a tooth extraction necessary. Instead, your endodontist can recommend oral surgery. While this is more involved than the kind of cavity care you have experienced before, it can ensure that your oral health troubles are completely resolved without making tooth loss and prosthetic treatment necessary!
Retreatment can do important work to completely restore the health of a tooth that continues to cause problems after an initial procedure, or after new problems arise. For more information about this or any other procedure that we offer, please contact Omni Endodontics in El Paso, TX by calling 915.990.3636!
When a person has an infected tooth, we often help with a simple root canal…
When a tooth is infected, this could mean serious discomfort and without treatment, the risk…
When you have a dental infection, a root canal is often the right choice to…
Do you have pain in your teeth? Dental discomfort could be due to an infected…
When you undergo a root canal treatment, and in the months or years to come…
If you have noticed that your tooth feels more sensitive or a lingering toothache just…