You should be completely free of problems after undergoing a procedure like root canal therapy. During a restorative service, care is taken to completely address problems with bacteria and infected tissues before a restoration is provided to keep you safe from new issues. Unfortunately, there are times where an initial procedure does not provide complete care, as there may be infected tissues that are not found. There are also times when teeth develop new problems even after being protected with crowns. In these situations, a visit with an endodontic treatment specialist will be important. By providing retreatment, we can help you fully resolve problems and move past concerns over your well-being!
Retreatment refers to work on a tooth that has already undergone care in the past. With advanced imaging technology, we can look out for any issues that may have been missed. We can then carefully access your tooth’s inner structure to provide the appropriate treatment before sealing it. At this point, you can return to your general practice and have a permanent restoration put in place for protection. This is one of many ways in which our practice can provide support for your smile while avoiding the need for tooth extraction. Advanced services, including those that require oral surgery, can ultimately benefit you by letting you keep a tooth in place and avoiding the need for you to arrange an extraction followed by prosthetic treatment.
Through the restoration of a tooth that has already undergone treatment, our practice can help you resolve worrying problems and return to a feeling of comfort. If you would like to find out more about how we can take care of you by treating a difficult problem, please contact Omni Endodontics in El Paso, TX by calling 915.990.3636!
When a person has an infected tooth, we often help with a simple root canal…
When a tooth is infected, this could mean serious discomfort and without treatment, the risk…
When you have a dental infection, a root canal is often the right choice to…
Do you have pain in your teeth? Dental discomfort could be due to an infected…
When you undergo a root canal treatment, and in the months or years to come…
If you have noticed that your tooth feels more sensitive or a lingering toothache just…