In these instances, speak with Omni Endodontics in El Paso, TX about suitable methods of repair for your tooth. A root canal treatment procedure aims to eliminate the internal infection of a tooth through the removal of the pulp within. After this process, your endodontist seals the circulatory connection between the tooth and the rest of your body, in order to prevent reinfection and further spread. A beautiful new dental crown atop your natural tooth keeps things stable and gives you the ability to chew with conviction. Your pain is a sign, so do not wait to speak with a provider.
It can feel like the world stops spinning when you break a tooth. When you recognize your injury, try to remain as calm as possible. Even with smaller cracks and chips, the underlying dentin may be exposed. This tissue is softer and more porous than your enamel, and so bacteria can start to grow within your tooth. The development of your problem tooth infection can continue until it reaches the nerve, at which point you may experience severe pain. Speak with a dentist about your repair quickly before bacterial colonies have a chance to form beneath your enamel.
Once bacteria have found a way within your tooth, they find protection from your own enamel. The care from a dedicated endodontist can help you through a root canal treatment. This includes the removal of the soft tissue within your tooth, through a process known as a pulpectomy. After your infected material has been cleared from the location, then the connection to your jaw is sealed with a plant-based putty called gutta-percha. The remaining tooth requires some reinforcement to prevent future infection, as well as stabilizing the area. A dental crown can give you back your bite after a root canal treatment. Crowns are durable and can blend in with the rest of your smile.
Speak with our team at Omni Endodontics in El Paso, TX at (915)990-3636 for more information or to schedule an appointment. The treatment of your broken or cracked tooth may require a root canal treatment procedure, so discuss your options with an endodontist.
When a person has an infected tooth, we often help with a simple root canal…
When a tooth is infected, this could mean serious discomfort and without treatment, the risk…
When you have a dental infection, a root canal is often the right choice to…
Do you have pain in your teeth? Dental discomfort could be due to an infected…
When you undergo a root canal treatment, and in the months or years to come…
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