Categories: Restorative Dentistry

What Causes An Infected Tooth?

When a tooth is infected, an endodontic procedure is needed to treat the issues in the interior of your tooth. Otherwise, you risk worsening pain and even tooth loss. But our team can help with root canal therapy and more. In today’s blog, your Omni Endodontics team in El Paso, TX, talks about the causes and warning signs of an infected tooth.

The Factors Behind Your Dental Infected

Each of our teeth are composed of multiple layers. The outermost is the enamel, the protective layer that safeguards the sensitive interior. The dentin makes up most of the tooth structure, and is very sensitive. At the center of it all is the pulp, the collection of nerve tissues that oversees the flow of blood and nutrients to and from the tooth. A dental infection means that harmful oral bacteria have made contact with the inner pulp. For some, this could be due to an untreated cavity or even a serious injury to that tooth, such as fractures that extend beneath the gum line. Without treatment, this could mean discomfort and over time, the risk of losing the tooth completely!

The Warning Signs to Recognize

You may notice tooth sensitivity or a toothache that lasts for more than a day. As the issue grows in severity, you could experience pain when you bite down or chew. Swelling could occur near the tooth and a discharge could issue from it. People also experience pain in the face and jaw. When you have persistent pain like this, you should contact our team for an exam. With advanced digital imaging technology, we can take a close look at the interior of your tooth and assess the cause and severity of the infection, should one be present. We can then plan treatment to address the issue and preserve your tooth, so infection doesn’t spread and you don’t risk losing a tooth.

Root Canal Therapy

Root canal therapy is a common treatment that enables us to remove the infected tissues from the inside of the tooth, and then cap it with a custom crown. If the issue occurs at the tip of the roots, we may recommend root canal surgery to treat the issue at the site and prevent discomfort and other concerns. If you received a root canal from another practice previously and pain has returned, we could offer treatment to prevent the loss of your tooth. We plan the treatment in detail and use anesthesia and sedation to ensure your experience is a comfortable one.

If you have any questions about diagnosing and treating infection, or if you think you need a root canal, then contact our team today.

Learn More About Our Endodontic Treatment Options By Scheduling An Appointment

When you experience discomfort in your smile, please let us know right away! You can schedule an appointment with us by calling 915.990.3636.


Dr. Endo

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