Categories: Retreatment

Providing A Root Canal Retreatment For Aching Teeth

When you undergo a root canal and the tooth begins to hurt months or even years later, this could mean the infection has returned and you need retreatment. This could happen for a number of reasons, and can offer care with precision. In today’s blog, your Omni Endodontics team in El Paso, TX, discusses the retreatment process and how we can stop discomfort and preserve your tooth in the process!

When Smiles Need Retreatment

A root canal is an endodontic treatment that helps stop infection to prevent worsening pain and the risk of tooth loss. The procedure involves opening the tooth to remove the tissues from within, and then add a restorative material to the interior to stop the infection. The tooth is then capped with a crown. However, if the tooth sustains an injury, or if bacteria remain in the interior of the tooth or root canals, this could mean the infection returns. You could experience sensitivity and pain, especially when you eat. When you have persistent pain in a tooth that has been previously treated, let us know right away.

The Process of Redoing Endodontic Treatment

With advanced digital imaging technology, we can examine your smile and pinpoint the position of a reinfection. We then plan the retreatment to handle the complication and safeguard your smile. Our team will offer a local anesthesia and possibly sedation so you’re comfortable as we open the tooth. We then remove the filling material and thoroughly clean the interior with the tooth. We add a temporary filling and if the infection has moved into the tips of the root canals, we may conduct an apicoectomy to remove the compromised tissues from the tips. We then seal the root and the tooth, and cap it with a new and lifelike crown.

Protecting Smiles

Retreatment can help safeguard your smile and prevent the spread of infection or the loss of your tooth. Moving forward, you can help lower your risk of infected teeth by brushing and flossing daily and reducing your consumption of sugary foods and drinks. Be sure you see your general dentist for checkups and cleanings every six months as well. We want you to keep your teeth strong and free of infections that require endodontic treatment to bring relief. If you have any questions about our approach to root canal therapy, or about the retreatment process, then contact our team today to learn more.

Learn More About Endodontic Care By Scheduling An Appointment

Our team can address root canals that have failed, which can keep your smile whole! You can schedule an appointment with us by calling 915.990.3636. With retreatment, we can preserve your tooth and stop discomfort from impacting your daily life.


Dr. Endo

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