If you have a problem with a filling, you can experience the kind of dental damage that seriously jeopardizes your oral health. An injury that affects your filling can also affect the surrounding enamel. If the restoration is lost, you are more likely to experience harm while your tooth is in a vulnerable state. When you have any concerns about the condition of a tooth protected by a filling or crown, you should seek treatment as soon as possible. In the event that you need more than just a replacement, endodontic treatment can prove effective at restoring your oral health and preserving your full smile.
A root canal procedure deals with internal damage and infection issues that might arise after you experience a dental problem. Through this procedure, we can stop a growing threat to your oral health, which can stop complications and prevent tooth loss. In situations where it might be called for, we can provide more involved treatment, including oral surgery, in order to keep your smile complete. With our advanced imaging technology, we can perform a careful review to determine what kind of care you might require.
Sometimes, the treatment you need to save your smile is one that will allow you to support a restoration. Through a Post And Core or Core Buildup, we can make sure there is enough stability to keep a dental crown in place. This service can be important, as it lets you avoid a potentially difficult extraction and go without prosthetic treatment, and it can preserve your smile as well as your bite function.
A problem with a broken or lost dental filling can be potentially serious, and is not something that you should take lightly. In the event that you need to restore a vulnerable tooth after experiencing this problem, know that our endodontic services can help without putting you through a tooth extraction and replacement. If you would like to find out more, please contact Omni Endodontics in El Paso, TX by calling 915.990.3636!
When a person has an infected tooth, we often help with a simple root canal…
When a tooth is infected, this could mean serious discomfort and without treatment, the risk…
When you have a dental infection, a root canal is often the right choice to…
Do you have pain in your teeth? Dental discomfort could be due to an infected…
When you undergo a root canal treatment, and in the months or years to come…
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