The most conservative treatment option for dental trouble is one that minimizes the overall changes to your tooth structure and smile. Some problems demand more involved work than others, and there are times when advanced care needs to take place to resolve an oral health threat. One concern is that the harm to your tooth structure will affect your ability to hold a restoration. If you have too little of the tooth left above the gumline to support a dental crown, it can be difficult for a general dentist to take care of you without performing an extraction. Fortunately, specialized care with your El Paso endodontist can see to the preservation of your complete smile.
Post And Core and Core Buildup services help with teeth that have suffered significant harm and need help supporting restorations. A Post And Core procedure will use a small rod and surrounding filling material to create more support for the restoration that you will receive. If there is not a need to place a rod to help stabilize the crown, we can simply add a resin material to serve in the place of natural tooth structure and support it.
By visiting Dr. Endo, you have the opportunity to discuss services that can prevent the need for a tooth extraction. Endodontic treatments can address issues within the tooth structure, including those that are only accessible through oral surgery. Whether you need to visit someone to discuss a root canal procedure, or you need more involved care to tend to problems that affect a tooth’s roots, you can learn what your options are for avoiding tooth loss and keeping your complete smile!
Through a Post And Core or Core Buildup, we can see to it that your tooth is ready to support a restoration. For more information on this and other services that we provide, please contact Omni Endodontics in El Paso, TX by calling 915.990.3636!
When a person has an infected tooth, we often help with a simple root canal…
When a tooth is infected, this could mean serious discomfort and without treatment, the risk…
When you have a dental infection, a root canal is often the right choice to…
Do you have pain in your teeth? Dental discomfort could be due to an infected…
When you undergo a root canal treatment, and in the months or years to come…
If you have noticed that your tooth feels more sensitive or a lingering toothache just…