Restorative dental work can often be completed at a general dentist’s office. Routine issues with tooth decay can be resolved with the placement of a dental filling or dental crown. With that said, problems with decay can often lead to trouble with a tooth’s internal health. Our El Paso, TX endodontic treatment facility is prepared to work with patients who are at risk of losing a tooth because of advanced decay or an injury. This may mean performing root canal therapy, but we are also prepared to restore vulnerable teeth by performing oral surgery. Our services are relied on in situations where a general dentist might have no treatment to provide beyond the extraction of a tooth.
What Can An Endodontist Do For My Unhealthy Tooth?
There are several procedures that we are prepared to do if a patient has a vulnerable tooth. Root canal therapy will involve the careful removal of bacteria and infected tissues in a tooth’s pulp. Clearing away problems within the tooth can stop active pain or sensitivity issues and stop an infection from spreading further and creating more problems for your health. When necessary, we are also prepared to perform oral surgery, which means we can access portions of a tooth that are covered by your gums in order to address something that is wrong. Our practice has advanced imaging technology, including microscopes, that enable us to find problems that have proven difficult to locate.
Reviewing Your Treatment Options
After a review of your problem tooth, you can learn about the recommended treatment to resolve the troubles you have been experiencing. If it is not possible to access the source of trouble with a traditional root canal, a surgical procedure like an apicoectomy can be performed to remove bacteria or treat an injury. We can also help when a tooth is not able to support a restoration after treatment. Post and cores and core buildups involve the restoration of teeth that have been worked on so that they are able to hold a dental crown in place.
We Can Take Care Of A Tooth That Has Undergone Past Treatment
How worried should you be if you are having problems with a tooth that has already undergone treatment in the past? While a root canal is typically a permanent solution to a dental problem, patients sometimes experience new issues, or they continue to feel pain because the matter was not fully resolved. Through a process known as retreatment, our practice can access the pulp, find the source of your continued trouble, and treat the matter in order to keep your tooth safe.
Our El Paso, TX Endodontic Treatment Facility Can Restore Your Smile And Oral Health!
If your tooth is in poor health and you want to find a way to save it, reach out to our endodontic treatment office! To learn more about our services, contact Omni Endodontics in El Paso, TX at 915.990.3636!