Month: August 2022

Returning Tooth Pain Can Call For Retreatment

After you have dental work performed, you should be free from any ongoing concerns about the tooth pain or sensitivity that made you concerned about your well-being. If that discomfort remains an issue, or if problems start again after a period of relief, it can point to the need for additional care. Fortunately, your El… Read more »

When Restorative Dentistry Includes Oral Surgery

What kind of treatment options are available to you when you have an oral health problem? At a general dental practice, there are different services that are typically offered, but there may be limits to what you can access if you have a significant issue to address. As a result, many people will have extraction… Read more »

Reviewing Dental Issues With An Endodontist

Your dental health should be checked on regularly at routine exams and cleanings. At times when there are problems, they can often—but not always—be treated effectively by a general dentist. In some circumstances, the right care can call for a visit with a specialist. Your El Paso, TX endodontist can take on a more serious… Read more »

Effective Care For Severe Cavity Issues

Cavities are often dealt with at general dentists’ offices, but not everyone who has trouble with dental decay requires a straightforward restorative procedure. If the trouble with your tooth is given time to worsen, it can lead to complications that result in infection, something that can cause significant discomfort and make you vulnerable to worsening… Read more »