Month: June 2021

Discussing A Toothache With An Endodontist

There are many oral health concerns that you can bring to your general dentist. However, there are also times when the treatment option you are given involves tooth extraction and replacement, something you can be eager to avoid. If you worry that your toothache points to a potentially serious problem, you can discuss treatment options… Read more »

Can Root Canal Therapy Resolve Tooth Pain?

When a tooth starts to throb, or when you feel persistent pain or sensitivity that interferes with your ability to bite and chew, you can be understandably concerned. While discomfort is sometimes a short-term issue brought on by sinus problems, or due to sensitivity, a serious or prolonged pain should be discussed with a dental… Read more »

Is It Too Late To Have My Cavity Treated?

If you put off treatment when you think you have a cavity, you can create bigger problems for your oral health than you realize. Eventually, the damage done by your cavity will leave you vulnerable to an infection. What happens at this point is bacteria will gather within your pulp, your tooth’s central chamber, which… Read more »

Discussing Dental Pain With An Endodontist

When dental pain starts to affect you, there can be little doubt in your mind that you should discuss the problem with a dentist. Unfortunately, a problem with your oral health can become so serious that a general practice may have to refer you to someone else, or can only offer to extract the tooth…. Read more »