Your tooth pain is interfering with your ability to focus, affecting your ability to bite and chew food, and generally hurting your quality of life. It can also be a warning that something is seriously wrong with your oral health. Many problems with tooth pain and sensitivity can be dealt with at the dentist’s office, but you may be advised that your only option is to extract the tooth. By scheduling a visit with an endodontist, you can learn about advanced procedures that make it possible to save a tooth in poor condition. In addition to root canal therapy, our El Paso, TX endodontic treatment office can provide advanced services, including oral surgery, in order to deal with a severe or hard-to-reach tooth problem.

Your Tooth Pain Could Be A Sign Of Infection!

If you have tooth pain without an obvious cause, it could be due to an untreated tooth infection. An infection can form if you physically injure your tooth, or one can form if a cavity develops and is not treated in time. The longer a tooth spends without treatment, the more an infection can spread and affect the tooth’s health. Eventually, bacteria can move through the roots of your teeth and even pass through them to create new health concerns. Eventually, a tooth’s health can deteriorate so much that your dentist will recommend extracting it. However, there are services your endodontist can provide that target and address problems that seem unreachable. To make sure we know what kind of help your tooth needs, we can use advanced imaging technology, including microscopes, to closely study it.

Scheduling Endodontic Treatment To Resolve Your Dental Problem

Endodontic treatment can mean performing root canal therapy to deal with damaged or infected tissues within the tooth. It can also mean performing oral surgery to carefully expose and treat an area of your tooth structure normally covered by your gum tissues. One approach is to perform an apicoectomy. After the roots of a tooth are carefully revealed, your dentist can remove the tip of a root, perform necessary work, then seal it with a filling. By doing this, we can remove the need to extract the tooth. In other words, we can prevent you from going through both the removal of a tooth and work to replace it with a custom restoration.

What If I Have Pain In A Tooth That Has Already Been Worked On?

Any kind of tooth pain can be concerning, but it can be especially worrying to have pain in a tooth that has already undergone treatment before. If necessary, we are ready to provide retreatment for a tooth. What this means is that we can reopen it, reveal the pulp and look for the source of your trouble, and provide the appropriate treatment before sealing it again.

Bring Your Concerns About Tooth Pain To Omni Endodontics!

Omni Endodontics is able to recommend advanced procedures that can address serious and hard-to-reach problems with a tooth. To learn how we can help you if you are struggling with tooth pain, reach out to our endodontic treatment office in El Paso, TX by calling 915.990.3636!