When is it a good idea to look into treatment with an endodontic specialist? General dental practices can take on different threats to your smile, but when those threats become severe or affect hard to access portions of your tooth structure, your treatment options can be limited to plans that include tooth extraction and replacement…. Read more »
If you have a serious problem with your oral health, there is a risk that your tooth will have to be extracted if you miss out on the right care. While a general dental practice may have limited options for treating more severe problems, there are services available from an endodontist that can help you… Read more »
Why do some oral health problems lead to tooth extraction and replacement? A severe injury or cavity can make it difficult for a general dental practice to fully treat a tooth. In response, they may advise that it be safely removed, and that your smile be restored with a custom prosthetic appliance. At our El… Read more »
Dental problems are often treated at general offices. However, there are circumstances where your general dentist might have to recommend that a tooth be extracted to resolve an issue. You can look into treatment with an endodontic treatment specialist to find out about more options available to you that let you respond to a problem… Read more »
When a person has an infected tooth, we often help with a simple root canal procedure. But what if the infection is located at the end of a tooth root?…
When a tooth is infected, this could mean serious discomfort and without treatment, the risk of losing a tooth altogether. But our team will offer treatment to address the issue…
When you have a dental infection, a root canal is often the right choice to repair the tooth and keep your smile whole. But if the tooth is severely infected…