Category: Restorative Dentistry

When Tooth Trouble Calls For Retreatment

Once you arrange the appropriate restorative dental work for an unhealthy, aching tooth, you should be able to put oral health concerns and discomfort behind you. Unfortunately, there are times when problems persist after a procedure, as well as circumstances where new issues can arise at a later date. In these situations, retreatment can be… Read more »

What Tooth Pain Says About Your Oral Health

The onset of tooth pain can do more than just interfere with the course of your day. When it persists, or when it feels severe, it can point to a serious oral health issue. Our El Paso, TX endodontic treatment office can make sure that the problem is resolved while taking care to save your… Read more »

Endodontic Treatment And Your Toothache

If you want to do something to stop a toothache, you should know that you may need to see someone other than your general dentist. A severe infection or injury can create problems in portions of the tooth structure that require special treatment. Fortunately, your El Paso, TX endodontist can provide services that are capable… Read more »

Seeing An Endodontist About A Severe Cavity

While you might typically expect to bring problems with a cavity to the attention of your general dentist, there are situations where it can be a better idea to talk with an endodontist. By doing so, you can learn about advanced services that are capable of saving teeth affected by advanced decay, including those that… Read more »

Why Retreatment Is Sometimes Called For

In times when teeth require restorative treatment, you can be happy to know that a procedure can permanently put a stop to an active problem. Between the removal of bacteria and damaged tissues and the placement of a durable restoration, you should be able to return to your daily life without further concern over this… Read more »

Our Services Go Beyond Root Canal Treatment

If a problem with tooth decay is caught in time, you can undergo a successful treatment that does not call for endodontic work. This means a relatively conservative procedure is all that you need to have your cavity restored. In cases where damage to your enamel leads to an infection, a root canal treatment will… Read more »

Arranging Endodontic Treatment For A Cavity

There are many advantages to regular visits with your dentist. At routine checkups, you can learn that something is wrong before there are complications, which means you can move forward with a conservative treatment. For many people, this ensures that cavities are identified and addressed before there are complications. However, if problems with dental decay… Read more »

Seeing An Endodontist About Your Tooth Pain

Is it time to start taking your tooth pain seriously? Unfortunately, if an issue grows too serious, a general dentist may recommend the removal and replacement of an unhealthy tooth to help you regain your oral health. However, you can find that your El Paso, TX endodontist is capable of helping you without making an… Read more »

Performing An Apicoectomy To Save A Tooth

There are situations where even a root canal will not give your dentist access to the “root” of a problem with your tooth. At this point, what can you do to restore its health and avoid a treatment that involves extraction and replacement? At our El Paso, TX endodontic treatment office, we can provide different… Read more »

Seeing An Endodontist Over A Broken Filling

If you have a dental filling in place, it should keep your tooth safe from problems, and it should also provide enough structural support to let you bite and chew without difficulty. However, in the event that the filling is lost or broken, the damage to your surrounding enamel can put your oral health at… Read more »