When Is Endodontic Treatment Called For?

How does endodontic treatment really fit into smile care? What makes some problems difficult to address at your general dentist’s office? Simply put, your El Paso, TX endodontist is prepared to take on problems with teeth that need care in harder to reach areas, such as within the tooth structure. That can mean addressing decay with a root canal, or it can call for oral surgery to restore an injured tooth’s health. In some cases, we can even do work to restore a tooth’s structure so that it can be capped with a dental crown. With these more involved services, we can do something important, as a successful endodontic procedure means saving a tooth that would otherwise have to be removed. (more…)

Can An Endodontist Address Your Severe Cavity?

If a cavity does too much harm to your tooth, there is a risk that it will be lost. Many people will arrange an extraction, which will have to be followed by prosthetic treatment if you want to preserve your full smile. With that said, you may be able to avoid this if you seek treatment from your El Paso, TX endodontist. Through treatment that addresses portions of a tooth that are difficult for a general dentist to reach, we can stop the spread of decay and address damage. By doing so, we can save a vulnerable tooth and ensure that you do not need to have it extracted. (more…)

How An Endodontist Preserves Your Smile

If oral health problems are not addressed in time, the complications can lead to the spread of infection as well as potential tooth loss. At a general dental office, you may receive the news that your tooth needs to be extracted for the sake of your overall dental well-being. However, you can find that an endodontist can provide more involved care that will save you from needing this treatment approach. At our El Paso, TX endodontic treatment office, we can review different treatment options, which include oral surgery to address hard-to-reach difficulties. Thanks to our advanced imaging technology, we can make sure that we fully understand the threat to your tooth and oral health. (more…)

Will I Need Retreatment After My Root Canal?

Typically, a root canal procedure will fully restore your oral health. Once the tooth’s pulp is sealed and a dental crown is put in place, you should not have any more trouble. Unfortunately, there are times when people experience pain even after a procedure, or start to experience discomfort after a relatively short break. The return or persistence of dental discomfort is a cause for concern. At our El Paso, TX endodontic treatment facility, we can provide important evaluations to patients who find themselves in this situation. It may be necessary to perform retreatment, additional care that fully resolves trouble that was not properly addressed, or provides additional work if a new issue arises after your root canal. (more…)

Can Your Broken Tooth Be Capped With A Crown?

Dental crowns are frequently used to treat patients who suffer injuries that leave teeth broken, chipped, or cracked. With that said, there are some issues that can affect the way in which you are treated. One big concern is that, simply put, you can lose too much of your tooth structure to safely support a restoration. Does this mean you will not be able to save the tooth? At our El Paso, TX endodontic treatment office, we are ready to step in and help if you need more support for a crown. We can provide services that actually add to the structure above your gum line so that you can safely support a restoration. By doing this, we can prevent tooth loss, which means you do not have to go through the processes of having a tooth extracted, then replaced with a dental prosthetic. (more…)

Discussing A Toothache With An Endodontist

There are many oral health concerns that you can bring to your general dentist. However, there are also times when the treatment option you are given involves tooth extraction and replacement, something you can be eager to avoid. If you worry that your toothache points to a potentially serious problem, you can discuss treatment options with your El Paso, TX endodontist. Our practice provides specialized services that focus on addressing concerns that affect a tooth’s inner structure. After an evaluation, we can find a way to help you restore your tooth’s health without resorting to its removal. (more…)

Can Root Canal Therapy Resolve Tooth Pain?

When a tooth starts to throb, or when you feel persistent pain or sensitivity that interferes with your ability to bite and chew, you can be understandably concerned. While discomfort is sometimes a short-term issue brought on by sinus problems, or due to sensitivity, a serious or prolonged pain should be discussed with a dental professional. It may be necessary for you to undergo root canal therapy, or even oral surgery, to fully address the problem that you are experiencing. If so, you can benefit from arranging care with an endodontic specialist. Our El Paso, TX endodontic treatment office can work with you to find a solution for your trouble that resolves your problem while preserving your tooth! (more…)

Is It Too Late To Have My Cavity Treated?

If you put off treatment when you think you have a cavity, you can create bigger problems for your oral health than you realize. Eventually, the damage done by your cavity will leave you vulnerable to an infection. What happens at this point is bacteria will gather within your pulp, your tooth’s central chamber, which can lead to discomfort, swelling of surrounding tissues, and more. Eventually, the damage can spread so much that your general dentist is not able to fully restore your oral health without recommending an extraction! Fortunately, you can bring your concerns to your El Paso, TX endodontist and learn about other treatment options. With the right procedure, we can save your vulnerable tooth and keep you from losing it! (more…)

Discussing Dental Pain With An Endodontist

When dental pain starts to affect you, there can be little doubt in your mind that you should discuss the problem with a dentist. Unfortunately, a problem with your oral health can become so serious that a general practice may have to refer you to someone else, or can only offer to extract the tooth. By meeting with an endodontist to learn about your treatment options, you can find a way to stop pain that does not call for the removal of your tooth! At our El Paso, TX endodontic treatment office, we can use advanced imaging technology to search for the source of your trouble, which we can address through our services. We can even help when saving a tooth calls for oral surgery, or when you might need work done on a tooth that has been treated in the past! (more…)

When Dental Trouble Calls For Retreatment

man with dental problemThe treatment you undergo for an injured or infected tooth should permanently restore your oral health. If you continue to feel that something is wrong, or if you develop problems after past care, you can bring your concerns to an endodontist to discuss retreatment. Our El Paso, TX endodontic treatment office is able to tend to problems after you have already undergone dental work. We can evaluate you to find the issue affecting you, then do the necessary work to stop it. After this is done, you can return to your dentist to have the tooth restored. Thanks to our advanced imaging technology, we can closely evaluate your tooth to find why you are experiencing difficulties. (more…)