Seeing Your Endodontist About A Dental Emergency

Tooth injuries can be devastating to your smile as well as painful. While your immediate concern can be with the pain you are in after hurting a tooth, you can also worry about the possibility that your tooth is going to be permanently lost. A severe injury, or one that affects a hard-to-treat area of the tooth, can be difficult for a general dentist’s office to treat. At our El Paso, TX endodontic treatment office, we can handle a serious injury by locating the source of your tooth trouble and providing the appropriate care. The services we offer will include surgical care like apicoectomy, which allows us to resolve problems that are difficult to reach. (more…)

Scheduling Advanced Dental Work To Address A Toothache

It may be difficult for a general dentist’s office to properly address the cause of your toothache. Persistent pain from a cavity or injury can often be treated through a standard root canal procedure, but the issue affecting your tooth’s health could be out of reach of this procedure. What happens if a root canal will not solve your problem? Is there still a way to restore your oral health without having your tooth extracted? At our El Paso, TX endodontic treatment facility, we provide advanced services that restore teeth in vulnerable condition. Our services include oral surgery, which can be performed to access and resolve problems that are interfering with your oral health. We are also prepared to treat problems that arise with teeth that have undergone care in the past. (more…)

We Can Do Work To Ensure A Restored Tooth Can Hold A Crown

The damage done to a tooth by decay or physical injury will be permanent. Fortunately, permanent restorations like dental fillings and dental crowns can be used to protect teeth and keep them safe. This ensures that a person can still bite and chew without difficulty, and also keeps them safe from further infection or physical damage. So what will happen if a tooth suffers so much damage that it cannot hold a filling or crown in place? For situations like this, our El Paso, TX endodontic treatment facility can help! Through Post and Core procedures and Core Buildup work, it is possible to restore a tooth so that it can safely and permanently support a restoration. (more…)

More Pain After A Dental Procedure? Schedule A Retreatment!

After your dentist performs restorative dental work to address a cavity or tooth injury, you should be free from discomfort. While advanced decay and trauma can lead to issues with lingering pain, the cause of your discomfort is resolved through root canal therapy. During this procedure, the bacteria and infected tissues within your tooth are cleared away, stopping problems from spreading. Unfortunately, patients sometimes experience difficulties after a procedure is done. That discomfort can take the form of pain that continues to concern you, or a new issue with discomfort that occurs after a period of time. At our El Paso, TX endodontic treatment office, we can examine the tooth to find out what the matter is, then resolve it, to put trouble behind you. This work, known as retreatment, can protect you from complications that could cost you your tooth! (more…)

Some Dental Problems Require More Than Root Canal Therapy

There is no one treatment that is recommended any time a patient has a cavity. A cavity that is caught early can be treated with a dental filling after your dentist removes decayed tissues and properly cleans the tooth. However, if the cavity grows large enough to cause an internal infection, it will require more involved treatment. While root canal therapy is often effective when responding to infections, it is not always the right procedure. Infections can create problems that are beyond your dentist’s reach even with this procedure. If this is a problem that you experience, our El Paso, TX endodontic treatment office can help. Our practice is dedicated to treating issues within a tooth that impact your oral health. Through more involved treatments, including oral surgery, we can address problems that cannot be addressed with a root canal. (more…)

We Can Provide Important Services During A Dental Emergency

If your tooth is badly hurt, a trip to the dentist can be an obvious priority. With that said, severe injuries, and those that are hard to treat because of their placement, may call for an endodontic specialist. Our endodontic treatment office in El Paso, TX is prepared to care for you if you need work done on a damaged tooth. We can make sure your tooth is properly restored by addressing infection and responding to physical damage. In addition to providing root canal therapy, we are able to treat teeth that have undergone work in the past, and we can even provide oral surgery if the injury is not reachable through a root canal. (more…)

Discussing Restorative Dentistry With An Endodontist

Restorative dental work can often be completed at a general dentist’s office. Routine issues with tooth decay can be resolved with the placement of a dental filling or dental crown. With that said, problems with decay can often lead to trouble with a tooth’s internal health. Our El Paso, TX endodontic treatment facility is prepared to work with patients who are at risk of losing a tooth because of advanced decay or an injury. This may mean performing root canal therapy, but we are also prepared to restore vulnerable teeth by performing oral surgery. Our services are relied on in situations where a general dentist might have no treatment to provide beyond the extraction of a tooth. (more…)

Performing An Apicoectomy To Save A Vulnerable Tooth

If you have a problem with a tooth that cannot be addressed through root canal therapy, is there any way to avoid having it extracted? In some cases, problems with a tooth’s root can make it necessary to perform oral surgery to restore your oral health. One procedure that is often used to help patients with root troubles is an apicoectomy. This will see the root end of your tooth carefully removed so that hard-to-access problems can be addressed. Once the work is done, the tooth is restored with a root end filling that keeps the tooth safe against further trouble. To schedule an apicoectomy, you can reach out to our El Paso, TX endodontic treatment office. To learn if this procedure, or some other advanced treatment, might be right for you, we do welcome patients who want to arrange consultations to discuss their dental troubles. (more…)

Is There Still A Way To Save Your Tooth? Ask An Endodontist

If your tooth has been affected by a severe cavity, or if physical trauma has damaged your tooth in an area that is difficult to access, your dentist may have nothing to offer in terms of treatment beyond a tooth extraction. While a general dental office may not be able to save your tooth, treatments that can help may still be available to you. At our El Paso, TX endodontic treatment office, we are able to respond to problems that require more advanced care. In addition to traditional root canal therapy, we are prepared to perform oral surgery in order to save a vulnerable tooth. Work that preserves your natural tooth can keep your smile fully intact while helping you avoid the need for an extraction and placement of a dental prosthetic. (more…)

Discussing A Serious Dental Concern With Your Endodontist

A serious problem with your tooth can be both painful and scary. After an initial meeting with your general dentist, it can also leave you thinking that extraction is the only treatment option left to you. By setting up a consultation at an endodontic treatment office, you can learn about advanced procedures that may be able to save your tooth. Our El Paso, TX endodontic practice provides root canal therapy, retreatment for teeth that have already been worked on, and even oral surgery to treat problems that are difficult to access. We can also look into restoring a badly damaged or decayed tooth enough to make the placement of a restoration possible. (more…)