While a traditional dental practice is prepared to address many oral health concerns, there are some matters that should be brought to the attention of an endodontist. Because our El Paso, TX practice focuses on endodontic services and oral surgery, we can address serious or difficult issues that might otherwise lead to tooth loss. Our care can range from a traditional root canal procedure to something more involved, like an apicoectomy. If you have questions about your oral health, or if your dentist advises visiting a specialist, you can set up a consultation to discuss endodontic care at our practice! (more…)
Endodontic Treatment’s Role In Addressing Dental Decay
Many people who need cavity treatment will have their care completed with nothing more involved than the placement of a dental filling. However, some problems with decay will be serious enough to call for endodontic treatment. When too much time passes between the formation of a cavity and its treatment, bacteria that damage a tooth can infiltrate the pulp and attack the living tissues within. In time, those microbes can continue to spread and move through the roots of a tooth, creating further difficulties. At our El Paso, TX endodontic treatment facility, we are prepared to take care of an advanced cavity and save your tooth. In addition to providing traditional root canal procedures, we can determine if something more advanced, like oral surgery, might be necessary in order to resolve the problem. (more…)
Will I Need A Surgical Treatment To Save A Problem Tooth?
While many oral health issues are resolved before a surgical treatment is necessary, there are circumstances where more involved care is required. If a problem is beyond the reach of a dentist during a routine root canal procedure, our El Paso, TX endodontic treatment office can help! Through surgical work, we can access portions of your tooth that are not observed during a typical procedure or x-ray. Apicoectomies are often performed when surgery is needed. This procedure will see the end of a root carefully removed and sealed to deal with an active concern. Once this work is complete, the tissues can be sutured to help you heal properly. By performing this procedure, it becomes possible to save a tooth that would otherwise be lost, which means you avoid both an extraction and prosthetic dental work. (more…)
Schedule A Consultation To Discuss Endodontic Treatment
Tooth injuries and severe cavities can create oral health problems that require endodontic care. Sometimes, a patient only requires a root canal procedure to restore the health of their tooth, but there are situations that demand other, more involved procedures. At our El Paso, TX endontic treatment facility, we can bring you in for a consultation to help you understand what condition your tooth is in, and we can review how the right treatment can help you. We offer a range of services, including surgical procedures to treat hard-to-access problems. We are also able to do work to rebuild teeth that are in poor condition so that they can be saved and restored! (more…)
We Can Prepare A Damaged Tooth To Support A Restoration
Problems with poor health or physical trauma can leave a tooth in a state so poor that it cannot support a dental bridge or crown. You may worry that this means the only way to work on restoring your smile is to remove and replace it, but treatment can make preserving it possible. At our El Paso, TX endodontic treatment office, we can perform work to strengthen a tooth so that your restoration stays secure! Two different approaches can be taken to save a tooth that is badly damaged or weakened. A Post And Core treatment uses a small rod to help stabilize a crown, while a Core Buildup procedure uses a resin material to keep a damaged tooth together before the restoration is put in position. (more…)
How Endodontic Treatment Addresses Serious Dental Problems
In many situations, a routine cavity treatment will see a person’s tooth restored to good health before complications can occur. The treatment will involve the removal of decayed tissue before a permanent dental filling or crown is put in place to keep the tooth secure. Unfortunately, some oral health problems will cause more significant problems, which means they demand more involved care. Our endodontic treatment office in El Paso, TX is able to help those individuals who need to undergo work to address problems within their tooth. We can perform a root canal procedure to address an infection, or perform retreatment when a tooth shows signs of poor health after past care. If necessary, we are also able to provide surgical work to address problems in areas that are difficult to access. (more…)
Why Retreatment Is Sometimes Needed After A Root Canal
When a root canal treatment is required, care is taken to fully restore the health of a tooth by clearing away all infected tissues within that tooth’s pulp before the area is sealed. Unfortunately, new problems sometimes occur which affect the health of a tooth after it has undergone care, which means additional work is required. A retreatment procedure with your El Paso, TX endodontist carefully removes the material sealing your pulp so that physical damage or an infection can be addressed, and the tooth can be returned to good health. In addition to taking care of teeth that have been restored in the past and experience new problems, we can help if you continue to experience troubles due to complications after your root canal. (more…)
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