Learn About The Tooth For Better Outcomes

Anatomy El PasoWithin the field of dentistry, the early identification of potential problems can help you to minimize damage. Endodontics refers to the specialization of dentistry in the correction of issues related to the internal portion of the tooth. A root canal is one common procedure related to this topic of study of which you may be familiar. This is the removal of the soft tissue of the pulp in order to eradicate a painful infection of the tooth.

In order to best know how to protect yourself, it is helpful to understand the different layers of tissue within your tooth. You give yourself the greatest amount of power when you arm yourself with accurate knowledge of how your smile operates. Prevent future harm and restore your existing smile with helpful assistance from Omni Endodontics in El Paso, TX. Whether you are in need of immediate repair or are just looking for information, knowledge of anatomy could help you to understand the mechanisms of the mouth. (more…)

Eradicate Tooth Infection With A Root Canal

Tooth El Paso TXWhen a bacterial infection reaches the internal fleshy portion of the tooth, a painful throbbing ache can arise that will continue until you seek proper endodontic treatment. This is a result of these tiny germs taking over the nerve at the location. Bacteria will continue to grow without the appropriate removal of these microorganisms. Take the steps necessary to eradicate your infection.

Without treatment, you could be left with immense pain. The infection could then spread to surrounding teeth and even into the bone matter of the jaw. Bacteria can dislodge and spread through the body, so this situation is serious from start to finish. A root canal is a procedure that is highly effective at removing the existing microscopic growth in your pulp. After this matter is extracted, your dentist seals the connection between the tooth and the jaw to prevent the spread of harmful germs. Speak with Omni Endodontics in El Paso, TX about how reliable endodontic restoration could help you to feel better. Take your oral health seriously and stop the spread of microscopic harm. (more…)

Responding To A Serious Tooth Injury

Significant tooth trauma can leave a person vulnerable to tooth loss. A general dentist may evaluate you and find that extraction is the approach to care that they recommend, but this does not mean your tooth is completely past the point of saving. By having a review with an endodontic treatment specialist, you can learn about services that address significant issues, including issues that affect harder to reach areas of the tooth structure. Your El Paso, TX endodontist provides advanced services that can save teeth at risk for being lost. Whether the problem is with internal and less accessible trauma or problems with significant tooth structure harm, we can recommend helpful services! (more…)

Booking Retreatment For A Problem Tooth

The onset of a painful toothache can point to serious trouble with your oral health. That discomfort you feel could be the symptom of an infection, which means your tooth will need to undergo root canal therapy to have its well-being restored. What can be especially worrying is having problems with a tooth that has already been through this process. What should you do if discomfort persists or returns after treatment? Your El Paso, TX endodontist can find an effective solution for your worries. An advanced review and retreatment can produce important results. This can stop the trouble that has persisted or returned, and it can do so while ensuring that you preserve your complete smile. (more…)

Restoring Teeth Impacted By Advanced Cavities

The impact of dental decay is worrying even when the problem is caught early. This is because harm from a cavity is permanent. Typically, this is a problem that a general dentist can deal with through the placement of a dental filling or dental crown, but there are times when a more involved service must be provided. In some cases, a review will lead to the recommendation that your tooth should be removed and replaced!

What you should know is that if your tooth appears as though it might need to be extracted, you can meet with your El Paso, TX endodontist to find out about alternative solutions. We use advanced imaging technology to fully review the needs of patients, and we can proceed with cavity care that preserves full smiles while still dealing effectively with severe decay issues. (more…)

3 Important Services Offered By Your Endodontist

If your general dentist cannot save your tooth, is there really nothing left to do but have it extracted and replaced? This work can lead to the restoration of your smile and oral health. With that said, it calls for multiple involved restorative procedures, something that can be less than exciting. With the support of our El Paso, TX endodontic treatment office, you can avoid the need for this kind of treatment. There are advanced services that we can provide you that are capable of saving vulnerable teeth. By opening up your options to more involved care, including treatment that requires oral surgery, we can ultimately reduce the amount of treatment you need and let you preserve your complete smile!


The Role A Root Canal Plays In Restorative Care

What will it take to care for your tooth once a cavity forms? Answering this question will require a review; issues with decay worsen as time passes, and the harm to your enamel can affect how your treatment proceeds. There are times when the harm is so serious that you ultimately need to undergo care to address trouble within the tooth structure. A root canal is often the treatment that takes place. Our El Paso, TX endodontic treatment office can see to it that your needs are met after a thorough review to confirm that this is the right approach. After that review, we can make sure that your procedure fully removes harmful tissues and bacteria from within your pulp so that your tooth is no longer at risk for harm. We can also recommend more advanced services if your issues are not reachable with this service. (more…)

What Happens When You Cannot Support A Crown?

There are different obstacles that people can face after a significant oral health issue; when they are not cleared, treatment can involve the extraction of their tooth rather than its restoration. One concern is that too much structural harm has occurred, which will make it difficult to place a dental crown. The good news is that this is something that can be addressed through treatment. Our El Paso, TX endodontic treatment office can provide support through a Post And Core or Core Buildup. These work to add to the structure so that a dental crown remains in place, which means you can preserve your full smile. (more…)

Restorative Dentistry For Advanced Problems

At a general dental checkup, you can receive feedback about your smile, and you can learn if there are any recently formed issues that require attention. Problems in their earlier stages can be resolved with a treatment that minimizes overall changes to your tooth structure and appearance. However, if a problem has grown severe, it can become more difficult to address. You may even find that your general dentist can only offer treatment in the form of extracting your tooth. Does this mean you have to lose your tooth if you want to restore your oral health? By talking to your El Paso, TX endodontist, you can learn about more involved restorative dental services that can take on active problems without the need to remove a tooth from your smile. (more…)

Retreatment Is Available When Discomfort Returns

You can feel a strong sense of relief when you undergo dental work and put a stop to ongoing dental discomfort. A procedure should be the end of your concerns over an issue with decay or dental damage. Unfortunately, pain and sensitivity issues may continue after work is done, or you may experience new problems with a tooth that has gone through treatment in the past. If this is something you are currently dealing with, your El Paso, TX endodontist can help. Persistent or returning discomfort can point to the need for additional work on a tooth in the form of retreatment. We can carefully access a tooth’s inner structure to find out why you are experiencing difficulties and provide the appropriate care to ensure your tooth is returned to good health. (more…)