Why Dental Trouble Is Brought To An Endodontist

How concerned should you be about an oral health problem that causes you discomfort? There are times when dental problems grow serious enough that patients can be told that they need to have a tooth removed in order to stop ongoing troubles. However, you can find that an endodontic treatment specialist can provide more advanced services that take on the kinds of issues that can make this appear necessary! At our El Paso, TX endodontic practice, we can provide options that range from root canal therapy to careful oral surgery that tends to the source of tooth trouble without requiring an extraction. We can also perform work to rebuild teeth that need help to support restorations. To make sure we provide the right kind of care, we can use advanced imaging technology to evaluate you and determine the cause of your oral health woes. (more…)

Arranging Your Root Canal Treatment

Through endodontic services, problems within the tooth structure are dealt with so that they no longer pose a threat to the patient’s well-being. At our El Paso, TX endodontic treatment office, there are different procedures that we can recommend in order to resolve threats and still preserve your full smile. While some are more involved, and can even call for oral surgery, we are often able to resolve trouble with root canal therapy. Through this treatment, we can make sure that problems stemming from an advanced cavity or physical injury are fully dealt with. In addition to stopping the spread of an infection before it can cause more serious issues, this procedure can resolve problems with active discomfort that affect you. (more…)

Cavity Complications? We Can Help!

Many people who develop cavities will have them treated before they ever feel discomfort. The benefit to regular oral health checkups is that your dentist can find problems before you are aware that something is wrong, which means treatment occurs before the issue can worsen. Unfortunately, not every problem with tooth decay is resolved this neatly. There are times when people will need to find out how they can deal with a more severe problem with their tooth structure. If the complications are serious enough, a patient can find that they may need an extraction performed! Fortunately, there are services capable of addressing more severe forms of decay. In fact, you can reach out to your El Paso, TX endodontist to find out about treatment options capable of saving teeth that are at risk for being removed. (more…)

Rebuilding Tooth Structure To Hold A Crown

What makes a person vulnerable to losing a tooth? There are different threats to our oral health that can jeopardize a complete smile. Fortunately, through a meeting with your El Paso, TX endodontist, you can learn about advanced treatment options that resolve potentially serious problems without the need for extraction. One issue we can take on concerns your ability to support a restoration at the end of a procedure. A severe cavity or physical injury can do significant harm to your tooth structure, which can make securing a dental crown more difficult. Through a Post And Core or Core Buildup, we can add to that structure so that maintaining a stable restoration is possible, ensuring that your smile can remain complete! (more…)

Returning Tooth Pain Can Call For Retreatment

After you have dental work performed, you should be free from any ongoing concerns about the tooth pain or sensitivity that made you concerned about your well-being. If that discomfort remains an issue, or if problems start again after a period of relief, it can point to the need for additional care. Fortunately, your El Paso, TX endodontist can provide an option for retreatment to identify and address the matter without making a tooth extraction necessary. Retreatment refers to a procedure done to determine why a tooth continues to present signs of poor health and proceeds to address the matter. By carefully revealing the pulp after your initial treatment and providing necessary care, we can help you make sure you are finally free from trouble with your smile! (more…)

When Restorative Dentistry Includes Oral Surgery

What kind of treatment options are available to you when you have an oral health problem? At a general dental practice, there are different services that are typically offered, but there may be limits to what you can access if you have a significant issue to address. As a result, many people will have extraction recommended to them in order to preserve their oral health. Our El Paso, TX endodontic treatment office can provide more advanced services to restore teeth in poor health, including services that involve oral surgery. While this can be more involved than your past experiences with restorative dentistry, the work we do to access and care for a vulnerable tooth to help you avoid the processes of extraction and subsequent prosthetic work to restore your complete smile. (more…)

Reviewing Dental Issues With An Endodontist

Your dental health should be checked on regularly at routine exams and cleanings. At times when there are problems, they can often—but not always—be treated effectively by a general dentist. In some circumstances, the right care can call for a visit with a specialist. Your El Paso, TX endodontist can take on a more serious issue with your oral health while focusing on treatments that let you preserve your full smile. Whether you need to take on an issue with an infection or injury, we can provide care even when oral surgery is required. We can also help when you have a problem with a tooth that has already been through treatment but requires further care. (more…)

Effective Care For Severe Cavity Issues

Cavities are often dealt with at general dentists’ offices, but not everyone who has trouble with dental decay requires a straightforward restorative procedure. If the trouble with your tooth is given time to worsen, it can lead to complications that result in infection, something that can cause significant discomfort and make you vulnerable to worsening problems for your smile. In response, you may be told that a tooth impacted by severe decay should be extracted. To respond to the problem and save your tooth, you can meet with your El Paso, TX endodontist to learn how your problem can be treated. With different advanced services, we can see to it that your problem is effectively cared for, and that you will be able to preserve your complete smile after going through treatment. (more…)

Can An Endodontist Address Dental Pain?

Should you bring up your concerns about dental pain with your general dentist, or is it time to meet with an endodontic specialist to discuss care? While problems with discomfort can be treated at a general practice, there are times when your options are limited to plans that require the extraction of your tooth! Fortunately, by talking with your El Paso, TX endodontist, you can learn about other services that are capable of resolving problems with a tooth that is in poor condition without the need for removal and replacement. To make sure that you receive the right kind of care, Dr. Endo can use advanced imaging technology to perform a thorough study of an unhealthy tooth. (more…)

Helping Patients Who Require Retreatment

When you arrange oral health care for a problem tooth, you can be understandably eager to put trouble behind you. Unfortunately, issues can sometimes reoccur, or they may even persist after your procedure is done. In these situations, it can be necessary to arrange retreatment to ensure that your oral health is properly managed. Our El Paso, TX endodontic treatment office is prepared to help patients in these situations. Retreatment effectively tends to teeth that have already been through care. By carefully evaluating and treating what is wrong, we can make sure trouble is fully dealt with to preserve your oral health. (more…)