Cavities are a common oral health problem, but they are frequently caught and treated with dental fillings before there are any complications that can occur. Unfortunately, some people will not receive the appropriate restorative care in time, and that can grant decay time to spread. Eventually, bacteria can start to attack living tissues that are located in the central chamber of a tooth, known as the pulp, as they move through that tooth’s roots to create more problems. In time, a cavity can become serious enough to warrant a trip to an endodontist for treatment. At our El Paso, TX endodontic treatment office, we are prepared to provide root canal therapy to address an advanced cavity. We are also ready to perform treatment when advanced decay makes oral surgery necessary for saving a tooth, or in other circumstances where a traditional root canal is not called for.

Tooth Decay Can Lead To An Alarming Tooth Infection

If tooth decay is not caught and treated in time, bacteria will gain entry to your pulp after a cavity works through your enamel and dentin. At this point, the infection that forms in your tooth can leave you in pain, raise your sensitivity, or even cause swelling around the tooth! For patients experiencing symptoms of advanced decay, it will be important to both closely examine the tooth for evidence of infection and provide treatment that can fully remove bacteria from within the tooth.

We Can Give Your Tooth A Thorough Examination Before Recommending Treatment

With the advanced imaging technology housed in our practice, we can perform careful studies of patients’ teeth in order to find any signs of infection that are present. Once the problem is identified, we can start work to fully remove the threat and spare your tooth any more troubles. The examination can reveal more than just whether or not you need a root canal. We can also use it to look over spaces that are difficult to access and treat through this procedure. When infection or damage affects spaces like the roots of teeth, a more advanced treatment can be necessary.

Will I Need Oral Surgery To Address An Infection?

Apicoectomies and other forms of oral surgery are sometimes called for in order to save a tooth from an advanced cavity. The apicoectomy involves the careful removal of a root end, which is then replaced with a special filling to close the root and protect it from new problems. By performing this procedure, we can put an end to a problem that would have otherwise made a tooth extraction necessary.

Talk To Your El Paso, TX Endodontist About Treatment For An Advanced Cavity

Patients who are suffering from the effects of advanced dental decay can reach out to Omni Endodontics to find out what is happening with their tooth and determine what kind of care might be called for. To find out more, please reach out to our endodontic treatment facility in El Paso, TX by calling 915.990.3636!