If your regular dentist is not able to restore the health of an ailing tooth, is there anything left for you to do if you want to avoid having it extracted? Tooth extractions can stop active problems, but this approach means both having to go through the removal process and the process of receiving a permanent prosthetic restoration. When you bring your troubles to our El Paso, TX endodontic treatment facility, we can use advanced diagnostic tools to see what can be done to save the tooth. In addition to providing root canal therapy, we can determine if oral surgery can address a problem with your tooth in order to treat the matter properly and avoid the need for extraction.

Bringing Issues With Tooth Pain And Sensitivity To An Endodontist

If you are growing concerned about tooth pain or sensitivity, or if your dentist determines that an extraction might be the only solution for the problem with your tooth, a visit with your endodontist can be beneficial. The tools we have for examining teeth can help us identify hard-to-observe problems that might be responsible for your oral health troubles. Once an issue is identified, we can determine how endodontic treatment can help address your issues and restore your oral health!

Treatment Options To Save A Vulnerable Tooth

In addition to providing root canal therapy to address problems in a tooth’s pulp, we can discuss more involved procedures that will address a possible infection or injury to your roots. Oral surgery can be provided if it is necessary to treat trouble that is affecting you. One treatment that can help is an apicoectomy, which will involve the careful removal of a root end so that a difficult-to-reach area can be restored. After this occurs, the root end will receive a filling to keep it protected from future problems.

What If I Have Problems With A Tooth That Was Treated Previously?

If you are starting to feel pain or sensitivity in a tooth that has already undergone treatment in the past, bringing up your concern with an endodontist can be beneficial. At the appointment, we can determine if retreatment is necessary. This means that your pulp will be accessed so that a problem can be addressed before re-sealing the area and preparing it to have a restoration put back in place. While root canal therapy is meant to permanently address a problem, this work can be needed when a new problem arises, or if an infected or damaged portion of your tooth’s inner structure is not treated during your initial treatment.

Talk To Omni Endodontics If You Want To Avoid Losing A Tooth

Omni Endodontics is ready to take care of patients when they are worried that their dental trouble might result in the loss of their tooth. To find out what is happening with your oral health, and how endodontic treatment can benefit you, please reach out to our practice in El Paso, TX by calling 915.990.3636!