Despite good brushing habits and regular dental visits, there may come a time when you are recommended for root canal treatment. For example, when a cavity is too large to be treated with a filling, root canal therapy in El Paso, TX  provides a way to clean out the infection and possibly save the tooth. Root canal treatment may also be the best solution if a tooth has sustained a crack that allowed infection to enter. While the words “root canal” may send a shiver of worry when you first hear them, root canal therapy may be the answer you need to avoid tooth extraction. Many people find when they learn more about the process, it leads to less apprehension.

What Is Root Canal Therapy?

If you have been recommended for root canal therapy (sometimes called simply a “root canal”) that is an endodontic treatment to clear out infection and damage deep within a tooth. While a smaller cavity can be treated with a filling, when a cavity is larger, deeper or more progressed, this more extensive invasion may require cleaning and treating the root canals of the tooth. When you are sedated, and the area is numb, our endodontic team will use special instruments to clean all infection from the root canals of the affected tooth. Then the root canals are filled to prevent reinfection, and a cap or crown may be placed on the tooth for additional support.

How Long Does Root Canal Therapy Take?

In most situations, we may see you for an initial consultation appointment, and then an appointment to perform the root canal. It may take an hour or more to perform the root canal treatment, but in the end, you will know that your tooth is infection-free. If your tooth will need the protection of a crown afterwards, we have the technology to take measurements for a custom fit. Each situation is different and we will make sure you are aware of the time frame, and what will be taking place at each appointment. 

How Do I Care for a Tooth After Root Canal Therapy?

Once root canal therapy is complete, the inner chambers of the tooth will be clean and filled with sterile material. The tooth and  crown should be given the same ongoing care as the rest of your natural teeth. This means brushing twice a daily, flossing carefully once a day, and maintaining follow up and preventive care appointments. Our trusted team and Dr. Endo urge you to treat your teeth with care, and avoid grinding, clenching and chewing on non-food objects like pencils or toothpicks.

Root Canal Treatment May Be Needed to Save A Tooth

Many people hear the words “root canal” but don’t really understand what that means. We are experienced in treating endodontic issues, and performing root canal treatments. To find out more, please reach out to our endodontic treatment facility in El Paso, TX by calling 915.990.3636!