Do you have pain in your teeth? Dental discomfort could be due to an infected tooth, and without treatment you could risk losing the tooth completely. But with root canal therapy, your El Paso, TX, endodontist can provide relief and help you enjoy a beautiful and healthy smile.
Retreatment Helps When Your Tooth Hurts Again
When you undergo a root canal treatment, and in the months or years to come the tooth begins to hurt, then you could require retreatment. We can help stop the discomfort and preserve your smile. In today’s blog, your El Paso, TX, dentist talks about our approach to a root canal retreatment, and how we can ensure results that look good and keep your bite balanced too!
Severe Toothache? We Can Help
If you have noticed that your tooth feels more sensitive or a lingering toothache just won’t go away, it could be a sign of a severe cavity. In some cases, your dentist may be able to relieve this with a simple dental filling. However, a more serious case of tooth decay may need to be treated with the help of a root canal. The team at Omni Endo in El Paso, TX, offers root canals and other endodontic treatments that can help relieve your discomfort and protect your smile.
When A Tooth Needs An Apicoectomy
When a tooth has an infection that is too severe to be treated with a traditional root canal, then you may need a form of surgery known as apicoectomy, or a root-end resection. This can help stop discomfort and preserve your smile. In today’s blog, your El Paso, TX, root canal experts talk about how we help infected teeth with a surgical procedure.
Does Your Tooth Hurt Again? We Have Retreatment!
Have you received a root canal from another practice in the past, but your tooth is hurting again? If this is the case, you likely have a new infection and need treatment to avoid worsening pain or tooth loss. In today’s blog, your El Paso, TX, root canal experts talk about our approach to retreatment.
How Root Canal Therapy Stops Dental Pain
When you have persistent pain in a tooth, this could mean you need more than a filling. With a root canal procedure, our team can treat an infected tooth and save your smile from increasing discomfort or tooth loss. In today’s blog, your team at Omni Endodontics in El Paso, TX, can help save your tooth!
When To Seek Endodontic Treatment
When should you seek endodontic treatment for an infected tooth? Understanding the cause and symptoms of dental infection means you can take action to stop your discomfort. In today’s blog, your team at Omni Endodontics in El Paso, TX, can offer root canal therapy, retreatment, and more!
Securing Your Root Canal With Post And Core
When a dental infection weakens your tooth and it cannot support a restoration, then you may need a unique procedure to strengthen the tooth. With Post and Core treatment, we can ensure your tooth can support root canal treatment, so your team at Omni Endodontics in El Paso, TX, can treat infection and prevent painful symptoms and tooth loss!
Does Pain In A Tooth Mean You Need Retreatment?
When you receive a root canal and your tooth begins to hurt again in the coming months, this could mean a re-infection has occurred. Treatment is then needed to avoid tooth loss and stop pain in your smile. In today’s blog, the team at Omni Endodontics in El Paso, TX, talks about the retreatment process.
What Happens During Your Root Canal?
When you have an infected tooth, this could be a source of major discomfort and could eventually lead to the loss of your tooth. Which is why we want to offer treatment right away to stop discomfort and prevent the loss of your tooth. In today’s blog, the team at Omni Endodontics in El Paso, TX, talks about the root canal procedure.