When Tooth Pain Calls For Endodontic Work

If you have growing concerns about tooth pain, you should not take your uneasy feeling lightly. What you are feeling could be a warning that your tooth is infected, either because of a cavity or injury, and needs root canal therapy. In some cases, problems with dental health can call for treatment in an area of a tooth that even this procedure is not able to reach. At our El Paso, TX endodontic treatment office, we can provide important services that restore the health of teeth threatened by these kinds of serious issues. Endodontic services can provide options for care that actually protect you from the need to have a tooth extracted. (more…)

Our Services Go Beyond Root Canal Treatment

If a problem with tooth decay is caught in time, you can undergo a successful treatment that does not call for endodontic work. This means a relatively conservative procedure is all that you need to have your cavity restored. In cases where damage to your enamel leads to an infection, a root canal treatment will be called for, though in some cases even this service is not able to fully address the trouble with your dental health. At our El Paso, TX endodontic treatment office, we can make sure that the right care is provided to restore and save your tooth. That can often mean planning root canals for patients, but if necessary, we can recommend more involved support, even oral surgery, to make sure your full smile is preserved. (more…)

Arranging Endodontic Treatment For A Cavity

There are many advantages to regular visits with your dentist. At routine checkups, you can learn that something is wrong before there are complications, which means you can move forward with a conservative treatment. For many people, this ensures that cavities are identified and addressed before there are complications. However, if problems with dental decay are not identified in time, you can experience problems that are difficult to manage. At a general dental office, you may find that your only treatment option involves the extraction of your tooth! To make sure your dental issue is properly treated without making an extraction necessary, talk to your El Paso, TX endodontist about undergoing treatment. (more…)

Endodontic Care During A Dental Emergency

A dental emergency is serious, though with prompt access to oral health care you can minimize the problems you experience. The unfortunate issue is that sometimes, a problem with an injured or infected tooth will require more involved care than a general practice is prepared to offer. What can you do if you find yourself in a situation like this? At our El Paso, TX endodontic treatment office, we can provide services that address severe issues, including problems that need to be treated through oral surgery. In addition to dealing with internal infections and injuries, we can provide services that restore tooth structure so that you can support a custom dental crown. (more…)

Seeing An Endodontist About Your Tooth Pain

Is it time to start taking your tooth pain seriously? Unfortunately, if an issue grows too serious, a general dentist may recommend the removal and replacement of an unhealthy tooth to help you regain your oral health. However, you can find that your El Paso, TX endodontist is capable of helping you without making an extraction necessary. Through a thorough diagnostic review, we can identify the problem and determine how we can address it. In addition to providing root canal therapy, we offer many advanced services, including oral surgery, to help you recover from pain while keeping your smile complete. (more…)

Performing An Apicoectomy To Save A Tooth

There are situations where even a root canal will not give your dentist access to the “root” of a problem with your tooth. At this point, what can you do to restore its health and avoid a treatment that involves extraction and replacement? At our El Paso, TX endodontic treatment office, we can provide different advanced services to address problems that are difficult to access. One way we can help is by performing an apicoectomy. This will see your endodontist carefully access the roots of a tooth in order to remove its end and place a filling to protect the tooth. By tending to an issue that affects a root, we can put a stop to a serious problem without resorting to an extraction! (more…)

We Can Help You Keep A Dental Crown In Place

Certain oral health threats can leave you at risk for losing your tooth. A serious infection or problem affecting your roots can be difficult for a general dentist to treat effectively, which is why they may suggest extraction and replacement with a prosthetic for your treatment. At our El Paso, TX endodontic treatment office, we can help you by providing a more advanced treatment to restore a vulnerable tooth. In addition to treating active problems with infection or injury, we can do work to make sure your remaining tooth structure can hold a dental crown.

Seeing An Endodontist Over A Broken Filling

If you have a dental filling in place, it should keep your tooth safe from problems, and it should also provide enough structural support to let you bite and chew without difficulty. However, in the event that the filling is lost or broken, the damage to your surrounding enamel can put your oral health at risk! You may need to visit an El Paso, TX endodontic specialist to make sure there are no complications from this experience that could put you at risk for losing your tooth. In addition to providing root canal therapy to address internal damage, we can provide more advanced services to save a tooth that would otherwise have to be removed. In the event that structural damage stops your dentist from placing a new filling or crown, we can provide treatment to restore it so that it can hold a new restoration. (more…)

Emergency Dentistry And Endodontic Care

A serious tooth injury or infection can call for prompt care. Many people who experience these issues will feel the need to seek out emergency dental services. What you should be aware of is the risk that you can face when it comes to losing a vulnerable tooth. At a general dentist’s office, your only treatment option may be to go through with an extraction, which will have to be followed by prosthetic treatment to preserve your smile. Our El Paso, TX endodontic treatment office can recommend services capable of saving teeth that are in poor condition, even those that are at risk for being lost. After we evaluate you, we can determine how we can help by restoring a tooth’s health and preventing further complications. (more…)

Seeking Treatment For Tooth Pain In El Paso

There are times when your oral health can feel like a big concern. One of these times is when you have a significant amount of tooth pain, or when discomfort is an issue that will not go away. You can reach out to your El Paso, TX endodontist to find answers to why you have this issue, and you can learn about treatment options that can help! We use advanced imaging technology to identify why you might have pain, and we can identify how this can be treated. Our options for care include oral surgery, which can restore the health of a tooth that is at risk for being lost. (more…)