Endodontic Treatment For A Severe Cavity

At a routine dental exam, your dentist can identify a cavity that has recently formed. That early detection results in treatment to stop decay from spreading further and creating more trouble for your tooth, and for your general well-being. Unfortunately, when decay is not addressed in a timely manner, complications that lead to pain and sensitivity, as well as potential infection risks, can affect you. For an advanced cavity, it may be necessary to seek the services of an endodontist. At our El Paso, TX endodontic treatment office, we provide different services for more severe issues with poor dental health. These services include oral surgery to save a tooth that would otherwise have to be extracted due to its poor condition. (more…)

Why Retreatment Is Sometimes Necessary

woman happy with dental workWill you need to arrange follow-up treatments for a tooth after you undergo root canal therapy? Typically, this one procedure will be able to permanently address your oral health trouble, meaning you should not have lingering issues after it is performed. With that said, when an infection is not completely addressed, or when a new problem develops at a later date, it can become necessary to perform retreatment. Our El Paso, TX endodontic treatment office can help you in this situation. By doing work to carefully reveal your tooth’s inner structure, deal with an infection or damaged area, and re-seal your pulp, we can make sure your tooth’s health is truly restored so that you no longer have to worry about your discomfort. (more…)

How Endodontic Treatment Stops Tooth Pain

man with toothacheTooth pain is hard to ignore, and often a sign that something is seriously wrong with a tooth’s health. If you start to experience serious or persistent pain, what will it take to restore your oral health and stop your discomfort? This kind of discomfort can point to problems within the tooth structure, and that can call for a visit with your El Paso, TX endodontist! The services we provide address troubling tooth infections as well as injuries that cause internal problems. In addition to restoring your oral health through root canal therapy, we can recommend more advanced services, including minor oral surgery, to save an painful, unhealthy tooth you may be at risk of losing. (more…)

Endodontic Care For A Dental Emergency

man with dental emergencyDental injuries and persistent toothaches can call for a trip to an endodontic specialist. While your general dentist can offer support when you experience an oral health emergency, some problems can require dedicated attention. Omni Endodontics provides people in and around El Paso, TX access to services that address potentially significant tooth problems. In response to a dental emergency, we can evaluate you to find the source of your trouble, then recommend the appropriate services. Those services include oral surgery to save a tooth, or treatment to rebuild its structure so that it can support a restoration.

Your Endodontist Can Provide Root Canals

woman ready for root canalIf a cavity keeps growing, it will eventually work through your enamel and dentin, which means bacteria will gain access to your pulp. The pulp contains living nerves, making this infection a potentially painful one! Our El Paso, TX endodontic treatment office is prepared to help you if you find that you need root canal therapy. We can thoroughly evaluate your tooth to confirm that the procedure is needed before removing bacteria and damaged tissues from within. After this work is done, you can see your dentist to have the tooth permanently restored. One benefit to seeing an endodontist is that we offer additional services that can restore a tooth when even a root canal is not capable of saving it! (more…)

What Can I Do If My Tooth Is Unable To Support A Crown?

Are you worried that your tooth needs to be removed because it cannot support a dental crown? Restorations need some measure of stability from the teeth they protect. A severe cavity or physical trauma can damage enough of the tooth above the gum line to make that support unavailable. Rather than simply accept that there is no way to save your tooth, you can bring this matter to your El Paso, TX endodontic treatment office and learn more about Post And Core and Core Buildup treatments. We can evaluate the tooth and recommend a procedure to “rebuild” the structure, a process that sometimes involves the careful insertion of a metal post to provide stability for the restoration you receive. (more…)

Can A Severe Cavity Call For Endodontic Treatment?

Under many circumstances, people will turn to their general dentist for help when they have a cavity. When caught in time, tooth decay can do a limited amount of harm. However, the more time a cavity has to grow, the more damage it will ultimately do to your tooth structure. Eventually, the problem will lead to the formation of an infection within your tooth. At this point, complications can lead to the need for endodontic treatment. At our El Paso, TX endodontic treatment office, our advanced imaging technology gives us the ability to closely study a tooth in poor health. After identifying what is wrong, we can talk to you about your treatment options. In addition to root canal therapy, we can recommend more involved services, including oral surgery, to fully restore a tooth’s health. (more…)

Scheduling Endodontic Treatment For A Broken Tooth

Thanks to the strength of our dental enamel, our teeth can do a good job holding up against physical trauma. However, when physical tooth injuries occur, they should be taken seriously. To make sure that your tooth receives the appropriate care, you may need to visit with an endodontist. At our El Paso, TX endodontic treatment office, we can provide services that restore physically damaged and infected teeth even when injuries affect areas that are difficult to reach. Between our advanced digital technology and ability to perform advanced oral health services, including oral surgery to save a tooth, we can preserve your full smile when you are at risk for needing a tooth extraction. (more…)

Treatment Through An Apicoectomy Can Save Your Tooth

Saving your tooth may call for a more involved dental procedure, one that you may have trouble arranging at a general dental practice. When serious problems occur, or when an issue affects a difficult-to-reach area of your tooth structure, you may need to visit an endodontist for the appropriate care. At our El Paso, TX endodontic treatment facility, we offer advanced services, including apicoectomies, that tend to problems that can prove difficult to resolve. By taking this approach, we can address issues that would otherwise call for the extraction of your tooth. By choosing to have the tooth removed and not restored, you experience permanent tooth loss, and will need to go through both the extraction itself and prosthetic dental work to show off your full smile again. (more…)

When Is It Necessary To Perform Root Canal Therapy?

While it is not necessary during every cavity treatment, many people who need to undergo dental work for a cavity will require root canal therapy. This is a procedure performed to address problems within the tooth structure – it can be done when a cavity has grown enough to cause an infection, or when internal damage occurs after an injury. At our El Paso, TX endodontic treatment office, we can provide root canal therapy for patients who exhibit symptoms of an infection due to a cavity, and for those who go through dental trauma. Our practice can actually do more than just provide a standard root canal, however. In situations where a root canal cannot reach the source of a problem, we can perform an apicoectomy. We can also offer retreatment when patients who have already undergone a root canal experience problems with their restored tooth. (more…)