You May Need An Endodontist’s Help With A Toothache

Significant pain in your tooth, or a discomfort that refuses to subside, can be a problem that is hard to simply ignore. It can also be a warning that something serious is affecting the health of your tooth! In some cases, issues with infection or physical damage will be difficult for a general dentist to address. By visiting an endodontist to discuss your concerns, you can undergo treatment for issues that put you at risk for losing your tooth! At our El Paso, TX endodontic treatment facility, we use advanced imaging technology, including microscopes, that let us look for small or hard to access issues that are responsible for your pain. Once an issue is identified, we can provide treatment to save your vulnerable tooth and stop your discomfort. (more…)

Reasons To Trust A Tooth’s Retreatment To An Endodontist

After root canal therapy and the placement of a dental crown, a tooth should remain secure and free of pain. For many people, their initial treatment will effectively put a stop to any oral health problems they were experiencing. However, others may find that they still have tooth pain to address, or they may begin to experience new troubles at a later date. When problems affect a tooth that has previously been treated, retreatment can be necessary. Retreatment is a process where a tooth is carefully restored a second time in order to remove a new infection, or to make sure all bacteria and damaged tissues are removed. Our El Paso, TX endodontic treatment facility is prepared to provide these services. In addition to focusing on matters that concern the internal health of a tooth, we can rely on advanced imaging technology, including microscopes, to make sure the source of your dental problems is found and addressed. (more…)

Why A Cavity Sometimes Requires Endodontic Treatment

A cavity treatment can sometimes involve no more than the removal of infected tissues and the placement of a dental filling. With that said, a procedure to restore the health of a tooth affected by more severe decay can be more involved. If too much time passes and a cavity grows too large, endodontic treatment can become necessary. Root canal treatment is relied on to remove bacteria and infected tissues found within a tooth, though a severe infection could call for oral surgery. At our El Paso, TX endodontic treatment office, we provide services that can restore teeth with complicated cavity troubles. With advanced imaging technology, we have the ability to thoroughly study a problem tooth and find out what needs to take place to restore it. When that treatment is complete, you can return to your dentist to have your tooth restored and protected! (more…)

We Can Restore A Tooth So That It Can Hold A Dental Crown

When restorative dental work is needed, the goal is to preserve as much tooth structure as possible while fully addressing problems with damaged and decayed tissues. While the extraction of a tooth will be a last resort, it can sometimes appear necessary after a severe cavity or serious injury occurs. What you should know is that your El Paso, TX endodontist may be able to save a tooth that appears to call for extraction. If too much of the tooth’s structure was lost, it may be unable to support a restoration on its own. Rather than recommend the tooth be removed and replaced, we can perform work to build up the tooth enough to hold a dental crown. (more…)

Will A Root Canal Be Enough To Fully Restore Your Tooth?

There are several treatment approaches available to deal with an injury or cavity. If a problem with decay is caught in time, the placement of a dental filling may be all that it takes to properly restore a tooth. However, there are many cases that call for a more involved treatment. Root canal therapy is performed on a tooth when there is a need to address an internal problem. Unfortunately, sometimes even root canal therapy is not equipped to fully address a dental issue. To stop a problem that would otherwise lead to tooth loss, you can talk with an endodontic treatment specialist. Our practice is prepared to provide advanced endodontic procedures that are able to address problems that are out of reach for a traditional dental office. We can also do work to restore the core of a tooth that has already been cared for in order to help it support a restoration after treatment. (more…)

Visiting An Endodontist To Address A Dental Emergency

If you have a dental emergency, finding the right treatment may mean visiting an endodontist for urgent care. At our El Paso, TX endodontic treatment office, we are prepared to perform root canal therapy to address internal damages. We are also capable of providing oral surgery when necessary to repair areas of your tooth structure that are out of the reach of traditional dental services. In some cases, we can even do work to rebuild a tooth enough to make its restoration possible. Hopefully, you will never have to seek out the service of a dentist or endodontic specialist for an emergency. However, knowing to reach out to someone capable of providing targeted care can lead to a better experience after an injury. (more…)

Discuss Your Tooth Pain With Your El Paso Endodontist

Is it starting to feel like your tooth pain is taking over your life? Do you feel as if you have to make big changes to your diet, or adjust the way you bite, to avoid aggravating a tooth that is sore or sensitive. A problem with your dental health can lead to serious discomfort, but even pain that feels manageable should not be taken lightly. The issue that is causing your discomfort may call for endodontic treatment. This means that a problem within the tooth needs to be addressed. Our El Paso, TX endodontic treatment facility is able to carefully examine teeth to find internal issues, and we can take care of a problem after it has been identified. In some cases, a traditional root canal procedure can effectively stop a problem causing your pain. With that said, we are prepared to perform more involved work if necessary to make sure that the matter is completely resolved. (more…)

3 Dental Problems You Can Discuss With An Endodontist

While a traditional dental practice is prepared to address many oral health concerns, there are some matters that should be brought to the attention of an endodontist. Because our El Paso, TX practice focuses on endodontic services and oral surgery, we can address serious or difficult issues that might otherwise lead to tooth loss. Our care can range from a traditional root canal procedure to something more involved, like an apicoectomy. If you have questions about your oral health, or if your dentist advises visiting a specialist, you can set up a consultation to discuss endodontic care at our practice! (more…)

Endodontic Treatment’s Role In Addressing Dental Decay

Many people who need cavity treatment will have their care completed with nothing more involved than the placement of a dental filling. However, some problems with decay will be serious enough to call for endodontic treatment. When too much time passes between the formation of a cavity and its treatment, bacteria that damage a tooth can infiltrate the pulp and attack the living tissues within. In time, those microbes can continue to spread and move through the roots of a tooth, creating further difficulties. At our El Paso, TX endodontic treatment facility, we are prepared to take care of an advanced cavity and save your tooth. In addition to providing traditional root canal procedures, we can determine if something more advanced, like oral surgery, might be necessary in order to resolve the problem. (more…)

Will I Need A Surgical Treatment To Save A Problem Tooth?

considering question about dental healthWhile many oral health issues are resolved before a surgical treatment is necessary, there are circumstances where more involved care is required. If a problem is beyond the reach of a dentist during a routine root canal procedure, our El Paso, TX endodontic treatment office can help! Through surgical work, we can access portions of your tooth that are not observed during a typical procedure or x-ray. Apicoectomies are often performed when surgery is needed. This procedure will see the end of a root carefully removed and sealed to deal with an active concern. Once this work is complete, the tissues can be sutured to help you heal properly. By performing this procedure, it becomes possible to save a tooth that would otherwise be lost, which means you avoid both an extraction and prosthetic dental work. (more…)