Category: Restorative Dentistry

The Role A Root Canal Plays In Restorative Care

What will it take to care for your tooth once a cavity forms? Answering this question will require a review; issues with decay worsen as time passes, and the harm to your enamel can affect how your treatment proceeds. There are times when the harm is so serious that you ultimately need to undergo care… Read more »

What Happens When You Cannot Support A Crown?

There are different obstacles that people can face after a significant oral health issue; when they are not cleared, treatment can involve the extraction of their tooth rather than its restoration. One concern is that too much structural harm has occurred, which will make it difficult to place a dental crown. The good news is… Read more »

Restorative Dentistry For Advanced Problems

At a general dental checkup, you can receive feedback about your smile, and you can learn if there are any recently formed issues that require attention. Problems in their earlier stages can be resolved with a treatment that minimizes overall changes to your tooth structure and appearance. However, if a problem has grown severe, it… Read more »

How Endodontic Care Targets Dental Pain

The degree of pain you feel in a tooth, and the length of time you have spent feeling that pain, can be a source of real concern. These issues with pain do point to difficulties with your oral health, and it may take a specialist’s attention to see how they can be effectively managed. Our… Read more »

Can A Dental Emergency Call For Endodontic Care?

If you have a serious problem with your oral health, there is a risk that your tooth will have to be extracted if you miss out on the right care. While a general dental practice may have limited options for treating more severe problems, there are services available from an endodontist that can help you… Read more »

Restorative Dentistry And Significant Tooth Problems

Dental problems are often treated at general offices. However, there are circumstances where your general dentist might have to recommend that a tooth be extracted to resolve an issue. You can look into treatment with an endodontic treatment specialist to find out about more options available to you that let you respond to a problem… Read more »

Seeing A Specialist About An Infected Tooth

How does a tooth become infected? Problems can occur when you experience a physical injury, but it is also possible for a cavity to worsen to the point where this problem arises. If you find yourself dealing with this problem, know that it should not be taken lightly. The longer you let the matter go… Read more »

Arranging Your Root Canal Treatment

Through endodontic services, problems within the tooth structure are dealt with so that they no longer pose a threat to the patient’s well-being. At our El Paso, TX endodontic treatment office, there are different procedures that we can recommend in order to resolve threats and still preserve your full smile. While some are more involved,… Read more »

Cavity Complications? We Can Help!

Many people who develop cavities will have them treated before they ever feel discomfort. The benefit to regular oral health checkups is that your dentist can find problems before you are aware that something is wrong, which means treatment occurs before the issue can worsen. Unfortunately, not every problem with tooth decay is resolved this… Read more »

When Restorative Dentistry Includes Oral Surgery

What kind of treatment options are available to you when you have an oral health problem? At a general dental practice, there are different services that are typically offered, but there may be limits to what you can access if you have a significant issue to address. As a result, many people will have extraction… Read more »